Monday 19 December 2011

Contents Research

BOLD: 10 what and why questions on the contents page

10 what and why questions on this contents page

1)      Why have you chosen these font colours?
- By choosing black as the overall font colour it makes it more understated and not the main attraction. This has a positive and negative effect; it isn’t cluttered by lots of different colours clashing together and making it seem like a lot of effort to read. However, it also makes it quite boring and not interesting which means that the buyer might not be drawn into reading it and seeing what it says. The publisher will rely on the fact that the front cover has enticed the reader enough to by pass the understated look of this page.
2)      Why have you chosen to duplicate the bright design on either side?
- By duplicating the design on either side of the page its eye catching and not over the top so it makes it look more mature, it connotes the idea that this is for the older audience because of its formal articles and artistic imagery.
3)      Why have you chosen to divide the page up?
-  They have divided the page up like this to make it separated and easier to read. It doesn’t look cluttered and it gives the impression that the whole magazine is accessible and a good read for a short journey.
4)      Why have you chosen to place the web address there?
- They have chosen to put the web address at the bottom because it’s isolated from all the other text and imagery. By placing it by itself it draws you in too see what is by itself. Because it isn’t surrounded by other text it makes it more memorable so you’re more likely to search it when you get home.
5)      Why have you chosen to have a white background?
- They have chosen a white background so there décor, text and imagery stands out and isn’t hidden by a bold background.
6)      Why are the images scattered around the page?
- The images are scattered around the page so that not one corner of the contents page looks cluttered, by spreading out the pictures it also makes the pictures stand out as individuals and you can look at each picture separately and in your mind make your own interpretations of what it denotes.  
7)      Why haven’t they put the name of the magazine on the contents page?
- The reader knows what magazine they have picked up and so doesn’t need to be reminded of what the magazine is called. Also because of the genre of this magazine it’s more formal and not informal like a gossip magazine which is the genre of magazine which is more likely to broadcast its title in every available space (e.g. Closer)
8)      Why haven’t they put the page number for every article (1-80) on the page?
- If they showed the article headline for every feature in this magazine the contents page would be filled to the sides, they have chosen to show only their important headlines or the ones they feel will appeal most to their target audience.
9)      Why have they chosen the feature labels they have?
- They have labelled the features the names they have, because of the stories underneath them. They have looked at the overall theme of each article and placed them into categories and then summarising the group has labelled them. One story however is isolated ‘Cover Story’. This will be the story which is the masthead on the front cover, so people know which story that relates too, it has its own category.
10)  What makes the stories relate the genre?
- The stories are all real life, reality story and as the genre of the magazine is reality, it all ties in well. It makes the magazine seem complete.

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